Hello, When I want to connect Tainer to Clouder App to my iPhone 13 Pro iOS 17.5.1 either lightning or Wifi it fails.
1. I wanted to connect Tainer with Clouder App via USB 3.0 Lightning cable -> It still requires Homespot (why?) and it doesn't connect.

2. When try to connect via WiFi I get this error

3. There's also an issue when using USB 2.0 WiFi adapter
When I want to connect to device and cancel operation I have either to remove USB adapter or shut down Tainer. When remove WiFi adapter and plug in it wants to connect again or is starting searching for connection even if I switched connection of. So I have to switch Tainer off. Thank you for your support. Kind regards
If you have difficulty connecting TAINER to your iPhone through WiFi, that could be because of [Maximize Compatibility] issue. Please check our FAQ here.
If you have difficulty connecting iPhone through lightning cable, see Ch. 14.1.2 of TAINER manual at our download page. https://www.clouzen.net/_files/ugd/f4fa93_508119360e19445cbe207354e748e945.pdf?index=true
At the LCD screen below, you need to push button shortly to go next step.
You need to activate personal hot spot setting of your iphone to enable USB tethering of your iPhone. If not, TAINER will not detect it because iPhone does not allow. See here for more details.
We are off today. We will check and reply monday. Thank you.